distance healing


Is there a difference between receiving a Healing session in person Vs. from a distance away from the Practitioner?

Science has proven that every thing is made up of energy. The energy that made up the building blocks of a tree, a dog, a fridge, is exactly the same as the one in each cell of our bodies. So if all of us, including every rock & pebble, the fire, water and air, is energy, then what separates the energy field of a rock from our physical body's energy field when we are holding it in our hand? The answer is nothing.

Energetically, there is no separation between all matter. Separation is an optical illusion.

​Since we are all one, time space or distance is not an issue in the course of an energy healing treatment. Divine Light Energy knows no boundaries. It can be sent to anyone and anything, anywhere across the world. It can even be sent to an event in your past that needs to be healed.

With a Distance Healing, you can receive the benefits of Reiki and other energy healing therapies without stopping what you are doing or having to go anywhere. You can do it all in the comfort of your own home.

​Of course, it is highly recommended for you to be lying down or to be seated in meditation, during the agreed session time, and by doing so, it enhances the entire healing process by relaxing and keeping your body/mind as calm as possible.

But, no, there is absolutely no difference between receiving an energy healing session at the Practitioner's premises or in the comfort of your own home.

A Distance Healing session is just as effective as a healing session received in person.


outline of a distant healing session

We will start the session with a 15 minute “Meet & Greet” via video chat, through Facebook, Skype, Whatsapp or Zoom (free video conferencing apps).

During this time we will discuss your healing goals and the current life challenges you are facing.
Based on our discussion, a recommendation will be provided as to the most suitable healing modality for you.

After sharing pointers on how to prepare for the session, we will end our online video chat. Exactly 5 minutes later, the healing session will start.

Once the session starts, Marilyn will connect with you and start to channel healing energies to you. She will be acting exactly as if you are actually lying down on a treatment table in front of her. At the end of the 40 minute session, a text message or email will be sent to inform you that the session has ended. Please reply to discuss any concerns you may have about the healing session you just had; or to share your experience for feedback purposes.
