the art of touch


sensual massage for women

Surrender into Marilyn’s hands and let her touch take You on a journey deeply into your own body.
Be aroused. Cry. Laugh. Sing. Moan. Feel sexy. Feel nourished. Feel held. Feel safe. Surrender. Remember that You are a Sensual Multi-Orgasmic Being.
This session will unfold organically and may involve light touch with different types of feathers, sensual oil blends customised to your needs, Light Language transmissions, guided visualisations, use of symbols painted on your skin…


  • Option 1: 1.5 hs AUD 111

  • Option 2: 2 hs AUD 144


art of touch playshop (women): in touch with touch

Explore the power of human touch.
Marilyn will take the group through a series of playful exercises which will help the participants get more in touch with their largest organ, their skin, and access deeper layers of pleasure.

Host your own Art of Touch workshop!
If you live in Sydney and gather a group of 10 or more women , Marilyn will travel to you and present the workshop.

Host your own Consensual Artistry workshop! (women circle/men circle/couples)
If you live in Sydney and gather a group of 10 or more people (men/women/couples), Marilyn & Chris will travel to you and present the workshop.

Keep an eye on this space to find out where and when the next playshop will take place.