breakthrough sessions

Thank you for being here! If you’re struggling with some aspect of life and would like some support, you’ve come to the right place.

In a 1-on-1 or 2-on-1 session with us, we take a look at self-defeating habitual behaviours. We empower you to gain clarity, emotionally, spiritually and mentally, to the challenges of life. Some might call it psycho-spiritual or psycho-emotional work. Some might call it inner child work, or inner critic and inner saboteur work. No matter what name we call it, or how we describe it, every session is highly intuitive and unique. For some it might be a meditational practice, for others it may be ancient tibetan or Taoist techniques, or perhaps psychotherapy, or even integrative plant-journey work.

The mechanics of our work involve supporting you, through a wide variety of modalities, to unpack visible and invisible layers of pain, trauma and conditioning and bring it all back into the heart, for acceptance, embrace and forgiveness.

Our approach is to empower clients, with homework, tools & exercises. We understand that the biggest part of you re-birthing journey is the integration phase - it’s all about how much time, effort, dedication you choose to spend with your daily practices! If working with us sounds like it might interest you, please contact our trainers below to see what working together with us might look like.

With love,

KIND.Trainer team